List OF Papers



  1. I.A. Silberg, T. Lovasz, , L.I. Gaina,  C. Deleanu, M.C. Buzas, ”Synthesis of new polyethers with a complex phenothiazinic structure”, The 28-th National Chemistry Conference – Romanian Academy of Science & Romanian Chemical Society, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, Abstract Book, pg. 19, 2004.


  1. L.I Gaina,  E. Surducan, C. Cristea, T. Lovasz, C. Todasca, I.A. Silberg,, “Synthesis of some Phenothiazine Derivatives Using Microwave Action”, The 28-th National Chemistry Conference – Romanian Academy of Science & Romanian Chemical Society, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, Abstract Book, pg. 140, 2004.


  1. A. Ciocarlan, V. Samoil, A. Dascaliuc, V. Abramov, M. Deleanu, M.C. Buzas, C. Deleanu, ,”Biochemical study and NMR analyses of walnut oil”, The 28-th National Chemistry Conference – Romanian Academy of Science & Romanian Chemical Society, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, Abstract Book, pg. 145, 2004.


  1.  C. Cristea, C. Moldovan, I.A. Silberg, M.C. Buzas, C. Deleanu, ,”Synthesis of aromatic and heteroaromatic secondary amines”, The 28-th National Chemistry Conference – Romanian Academy of Science & Romanian Chemical Society,  Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, Abstract Book, pg. 149, 2004.


  1. M.C. Buzas, A. Corbu, C. Deleanu, S. Rosca, ”NMR analyses of some extracts obtained from Romanian wines”, The 28-th National Chemistry Conference – Romanian Academy of Science & Romanian Chemical Society, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, Abstract Book, pg. 172, 2004.


  1. R. Socoteanu, M.C. Buzas, R.O. Costan, C. Deleanu, C. Patroescu, “Analytical supervision  of obtaining reaction for thetrapirolic compounds using ecological synthesizing methods”, The 28-th National Chemistry Conference – Romanian Academy of Science & Romanian Chemical Society, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, Abstract Book, pg. 175, 2004.


  1. I.A. Silberg, T. Lovasz, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L.I.Gaina, C. Deleanu, M.C. Buzas,  “Conformational Effects in the Chemical Shifts of Phenothiazine Ring Protons”, Central European NMR Symposium, Linz, Austria, Book of Abstracts, pg. 24, 2004.


  1. T. Lovasz, I.A. Silberg, C. Cristea, L.I.Gaina, C. Deleanu, M.C. Buzas,  “Structural Assignments by NMR in Polyether Dendrimers, Central European NMR Symposium, Linz, Austria, Book of Abstracts, pg. 19, 2004.


  1. L.I.Gaina, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, M.C. Buzas, C. Cristea,  T. Lovasz, I.A. Silberg, “Structure Assignments in New Carbonylic Derivatives of Phenotiazine Class Using 2D-NMR Experiments”, Central European NMR Symposium, Linz, Austria, Book of Abstracts, pg. 9, 2004.


  1. C. Cristea, C. Moldovan, I.A. Silberg, M.C. Buzas, C. Deleanu,  “2D-NMR Experiments in Aromatic Compounds Structures Assignments”, Central European NMR Symposium, Linz, Austria, Book of Abstracts, pg. 7, 2004.


  1. A. Ciocarlan, V. Abramov, A. Dascaliuc, E. Efremov, M. Deleanu, M.C. Buzas, C. Deleanu, “Complex study of grape seeds oil, Cabernet breed”, Analele stiintifice ale USM, (SeriaStiinte chimico-biologice”), 2004, 503-508.


  1. M.C. Buzas, N. Chira, C. Deleanu, S. Rosca, “Composition Characterization of some food fluids by 1H-NMR”, The 4th international Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries – ICOSECS 4, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, Abstract Book, Vol.I, pg. 36, 2004.


  1. M.C. Balasu, I. Costea, C. Buzas, A. Popescu, “Fluorescent Probes for study of enzymes”, The 4th international Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries – ICOSECS 4, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, Abstract Book, Vol. I, pg.181, 2004.


  1. M.C. Buzas, N. Chira, C. Deleanu, S. Rosca, Indentification and Quantitative Measurement by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy of Several Compounds Present in Romanian Wines”, Revista de Chimie, 2003, 54(10), 831-833.


  1. M.C. Buzas, A. Corbu, C. Deleanu, S. Rosca, “NMR- identification and quantitative determination of 14 individual components of Romanian wines”, 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering - RICCCE 13, Bucharest, Romania,  Program, pg. 6, 2003.


  1. R. Socoteanu, M.R. Vieira Ferreira, I. Chiorescu, R.O. Costan, M.C. Buzas, C. Deleanu, C. Patroescu, “Symmetry vs. Asymmetry in new tetrapyrrolic compounds”, The 11th Physical Chemistry Conference – ROMPHYSCHEM 11, Timisoara, Romania, Program, pg. 42, 2003.


  1. M.C. Buzas, N. Chira, C. Deleanu, S. Rosca, “Romanian Wine Analyses by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy”, The Fourth International Dubrovnik NMR Course & Conference - DU NMR 2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Abstract Book, pg. 6, 2003.


  1. M.C. Buzas, N. Chira, M. Deleanu, M. Maganu, S. Rosca, C. Deleanu, “Edible fats autentification by NMR Spectroscopy”, The 27-th National Chemistry Conference – Romanian Academy of Science, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, Abstract Book, pg. 28, 2002.


  1. M.C. Buzas, “Study of alimentary fats by NMR spectroscopy and spectral characterization of some food standards”, Graduation Thesis, University Politehnica Bucharest, 2002.


  1. M.C. Buzas, “History of Sibiu Salamy, Bucataria pentru toti, 2002, (2), 36-38.