Future participation at scientific events.
Some of us are planning to attend the scientific meetings listed below. If you are there, do not hesitate to contact us.
- "The 3rd International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries", organized at the "Politehnica" University, Bucharest, Romania, 22 - 25 September 2002.
- "The 28th National Chemical Conference", organised by Oltchim, The Romanian Academy and The Romanian Society of Chemistry, in Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, 23 - 25 October 2002.
- "The 16th International NMR Meeting", organised by The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 29 June - 3 July 2003.
- "The 20th ESMRMB Annual Meeting" organized by the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 18 - 21 September 2003.